Like you, we prefer a real discussion over a boring presentation about how good we are!
So usually, topics include:
- your needs
- how Calling Guru can help
- how people can be trained to use the system easily
- pricing
- the presentation about how good we are, if you insist
We’re looking forward to speaking with you !

About Calling Guru
Calling Guru works daily with various call centers and telemarketers to shape the calling experience to perfection. In addition, until 1 Feb 2022, we provided call center services ourselves. We lean on broad expertise with more than 200 customers.
Our mission is to offer the best work experience, set up agents and agencies for great results and enable sustainable working relationships.
Oh, let’s not forget, we like to have a laugh. You’ll notice this in our software too. Let’s make calling fun and easy for every sales professional.